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November update

Updated: Jan 26, 2021

It is with great disappointment that we must once again close the studio doors.

This will happen on 5th November, so those of you that enjoy a Covid safe class environment please do come along either tonight (Monday 3rd) or tomorrow (Tuesday 4th) as classes will be running normally for the next two days. Please book here

Classes will then continue on Zoom in the same way as in previous lockdown. Please see the recurring meeting links below. I do hope many of you will join me. I will keep you updated as to when we will be allowed to recommence. This is currently planned for 2nd December, but of course may well change.

I have made some investments in improving the quality of the Zoom experience. Having procured a new wireless mic which seems to be resulting in much better sound quality. If there are any further improvements that you can think of I would be most appreciative of feedback on this.

As we get further down the line with the current crisis I am acutely aware of the increasing financial difficulties that many people are facing. I invite those of you who are affected to please get in touch as I am offering free Zoom admission to those who are unwaged and reduced fees to those surviving on lower incomes. I aim to offer the supportive benefits of yoga to everybody at this challenging time.

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